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The Best High-Energy Carbohydrates for Your Diet

    It is very important that you eat high-energy carbohydrates if you are a very active person who plays sports or does high intense exercises like swimming or dancing. Many people are apprehensive about adding energy-dense carbs to their healthy diet because they think it will induce weight gain. However, as long as you choose the right sources and maintain your portion sizes, this will not be a problem.

    High-energy carbohydrates are important fuel you require for performing your exercises properly, and thus should be a part of your daily diet. For a successful diet, eat these foods before and after exercising, and the first thing in the morning.

    Foods to eat

    1. Brown rice is great for providing steady energy levels as unlike white rice, it breaks down slowly in the body.

    2. Quinoa is technically a seed but is considered a grain because of its texture and nutritional value. It is a great source of protein and a great replacement for brown rice. It is thus recommended for vegetarian diets.

    3. Sweet potatoes are higher in nutrients than regular potatoes and do not provide that fast a blood glucose spike as regular potatoes.

    4. Barley is great for those who want to increase their fiber intake while maximizing energy levels.

    5. Whole wheat pasta is a very dense energy source which is very filling and fast to prepare.

    6. Ezekiel bread is sprouted grain bread which is less processed than any other bread loaves you find in the grocery store. It gives your body the required high-quality nourishment and long-lasting energy.

    7. Oatmeal is low in sugar, high in fiber and a great way to start a day off right. For added flavor without the worry of calories, season it with cinnamon.

    8. Whole wheat tortillas are great for making high-protein wraps before or after any workout session. An easy combo comprises of grilled or deli-sliced chicken, low-fat cheese, spinach, avocado and black beans or quinoa. Dress it with fresh salsa or mustard.

    9. Bananas are high-energy fruits which contain more starch carbohydrates (when compared to natural sugars_ than any other fruit and is great as a pre-workout food. Bananas are also full of potassium, a nutrient required to support muscles during intense exercise sessions.

    10. Beans are high-fiber, high-complex carb foods. All bean varieties form the typical balanced diet by supplying some protein too.

    11. Bran buds are high in fiber and thus take time to digest. This cereal helps regulate your energy levels throughout the toughest challenges of physical endurance.


    So this comprises of the list of best carbohydrates you should include in your diet plan. For most people, you need about a half to a cup as a serving, which provides about 100-200 calories per serving.

    This is sufficient calories to fuel you through an hour or two of exercise and also helps you recover once the workout is over. Just remember to balance these foods by eating vegetables at other points of the day. A mix of healthy carbohydrate sources help support low-calorie goals and provides your body with daily essential nutrients and sufficient dietary fiber.

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