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13 Tips to Add More Taste to Vegetables

    People on a weight loss diet have to make sure they eat sufficient vegetables everyday for successful weight loss. This is because vegetables are a strong source of dietary fiber that quickly fills you up even though you are on a diet.

    To add to it, vegetables are practically calorie-free. This means you can eat as much fresh vegetables as you want without worrying about it affecting your body weight. In other words, vegetables can be called a dieter’s best friend.

    However the problem is that not many people enjoy eating vegetables mainly because of its taste. This is why they end up struggling to include them in their everyday meals and snacks. So here are some top ideas you can consider and use to improve the taste, and eat as much vegetables you can eat without thinking it is a chore.

    1. You can season them using herbs as herbs add lots of fresh flavor to your food, in addition to some health-promoting benefits without any increase in your calorie intake.

    2. Opt for sodium-free spices. This is important as most seasoning spice blends are made of salt, which should be avoided. So look out for the available sodium-free varieties.

    3. Try pureeing your vegetables into a sauce and if you can’t tolerate the texture, just blend vegetables like carrots and peas or fruits like squash and eggplants into a sauce. You won’t notice the vegetables and this makes a great trick for feeding vegetables to little ones.

    4. Eat vegetables raw, with some dip for immediate added flavor. A good dip can be made combining half a cup of fat-free mayonnaise and half a cup of fat-free sour cream, which is flavored with your favorite herbs or seasoning.

    5. Serve your vegetables with grated Parmesan cheese which adds depth of flavor to your meal, while boosting its calcium content.

    6. Serve your vegetables with salsa as salsa goes well with raw vegetables. The fresher the salsa is the better. You can use your imagination and incorporate various types of vegetables with your salsa like tomatoes, peppers, celery, onions, etc.

    7. You can sprinkle some light Italian salad dressing on the vegetables for a great source of healthy fats and some instant flavor to your vegetables. You can also always make your own dressing from scratch in a matter of minutes.

    8. Add some frozen vegetables into a soup for a fast boost in nutritional content.

    9. Instead of using potatoes for your French fries, baked zucchinis make a healthier option.

    10. Serve your vegetables with melted low-fat cheddar cheese.

    11. Mix sliced vegetables with the lean chunks of meat when you make shish kabobs on the grill.

    12. You can try stir frying them in low-sodium chicken broth which helps add a light savory flavor to your vegetables without any added calories.

    13. Try marinating vegetables in balsamic vinegar and grill on the BBQ.


    All this shows that it is not that preparing tasteful vegetables is not much of a challenge, as long as you have some strategies to follow. If you use these strategies regularly on a mix of fresh produce, you are sure you will never get bored including fruits and vegetables in your diet. Moreover, the more fresh produce you start eating, the faster and more sustainable is your weight loss efforts!

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